Tuesday, October 15, 2013

What they do not teach you in cosmetology school, now in a book!

What they didn’t teach you in cosmetology school…

… now in book form.  Actually digital eBook form Marianna and ClipperGuy.

This is my book ClipperGuy Says… All Work Performed By Students Under the Supervision Of a Licensed Instructor.  This is my 52 week road map to cosmetology and barber school success.  This is NOT curriculum.  This is above and beyond.  This is the OTHER stuff that is not typically part of cosmetology school.

Here is how it works.  Read the book once all the way through.  The go back.  Read one page each week for 53 weeks, one full year… about the time it takes to go through 1,500 hours of cosmetology school.  Read the page on Friday… Think about it over the weekend.  Then DO IT on Monday… whatever the skill, concept or idea was for the week.

The book is set up in 52 pages… one for each week in a full year.  If you follow the page-by-page program for the entire year… 365 days later you will graduate READY to OWN the beauty business.  Ready to chart a course and conquer your piece of the beauty industry.

Educators use the book weekly in class.  Students use the book by themselves for a self study program.

This is the stuff you need to know to go beyond what you get in school.  Schools can buy the book in bulk form Marianna and put them in their student kits.  Contact your Marianna school rep to make that happen.  Students and educators can purchase the book individually here at THIS LINK.