Monday, April 1, 2013

Student Programming - International Beauty Show New York 2013

Student education at IBS NYC
The 2013 International Beauty Show, New York is coming up in just a few weeks.  The show is April 14, 15, 16 at the Jakob Javitz center in NYC.  Tuesday, April 16th will feature presentations and classes specifically presented for cosmetology and barber school students.
I am presenting my student program, The ClipperGuy 52 Week Road Map to Cosmetology and Barber School Success at 11 a.m. in room 3D10.  This class shares a program for making the most of your time in cosmetology or barber school.  Your hours fly by.  You want to be ready to take on our industry and run with it the day you graduate.  This program offers a way to do just that.  It looks to combine the great thing you will get in your schools curriculum with the things you need that your curriculum will not give you… it is sort of a “what they did NOT teach you in school” class.  You will laugh.  You will learn.  You will be excited to implement this program to explode your learning and launch your career.
This is an interactive program.  Come prepared to take notes and chime in with your experiences and ideas.  Come to learn and share what you have already learned.
Copies of the complete program in digital eBook form will be available for purchase at the class.  The class is FREE with your IBS show ticket.
I look forward to meeting you at the class.  Come up and say hello and introduce yourself.  Lets get your career off and running starting at IBS NYC 2013.

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